Unser IdeaLab 2.0 fand vom 26. bis 28.04.2024 statt. Neben spannenden Keynotes von AI2Entrepreneur sowie Gründungsstorys mit Aufrieb für alle und ovao konnten unsere Teilnehmer*innen wieder fleißig an ihren eigenen Ideen arbeiten.

Vom 3. bis 5. November fand unser IdeaLab für alle an Gründung und Design Thinking Interessierten des Flensburger Campus statt.

Das war unsere SummerSchool 2023 in St. Peter-Ording!

“I was able to take a lot of positive aspects from this course. My entire understanding of entrepreneurship has expanded, I got to know a wide range of methods and models. The entrepreneurial workshops allowed me to work practically and helped me to gain a lot of experience. The course offers a safe space to work on your own ideas and leaves plenty of room for feedback and constructive criticism. I am grateful about this experience, and would, if I could, take the course a second time.
See you soon in Dock 1″, Lia H.
@venture Dock showed me how to broaden my daily horizons and think outside the box in a certain way. I learned to find solution ideas for small everyday problems and to discuss them within a group until we have discarded the ideas or even found really good market ideas. These market ideas not only help me as an individual, but also make everyday life easier for a large number of people. The teamwork showed me perspectives that I would not have thought about beforehand. My team was diverse, but very creative. Thus, working together was always fun and didn’t really feel like work.

@ventureDock brought me closer to various design processes and showed me how to implement an idea in a structured manner with a team. What I like about the @ventureDock course is learning about different disciplines and educational institutions. Everyone learns from everyone! The course helps me to improve my own work in a group, using applications specially designed for group work are the perfect addition.

@ventureDock motivated me to pick up a start-up idea and develop it further with the help of specific methods. Exciting lectures gave me insights into the development of young founders, which inspired my own future. Through @ventureDock, I became aware of many other entrepreneurial offers of support from the region.

@ventureDock showed me how a design process can turn from an initial idea to a concept into a presentation. Through @ventureDock, I learned entrepreneurial theories and design thinking tools, as well as how to select and apply these methods. During the course, I particularly enjoyed working in interdisciplinary groups and trying out what I had theoretically learned on my own project.